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Nearly 35% of Blacks in the USA are affected by CKD
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Chronic Kidney Disease Awareness

African Americans are at increased risk for chronic kidney disease (CKD). About 37 million American adults have CKD and most don’t even know it. Early detection and treatment can prevent complications from kidney disease. Understanding more about CKD—what is it, what the risk factors are, how the disease progresses, and how to find out if you have CKD—will help you protect your kidney health. 

Black Kidney Awareness, Resources, and Education
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Learn about chronic kidney disease (CKD) and how to prevent it or slow the progression if you already have CKD. Awareness and knowledge will empower you to take charge of your own care with your healthcare team.

Black K.A.R.E. Community Event

Black K.A.R.E. Kidney Lab

Your Kidneys Need You

An estimated 37 million Americans suffer from chronic kidney disease. Tanya talks to internist Dr. Sherril Rieux and nephrologist Dr. Vincent Anthony about beating this silent killer.

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The Tanya Acker Show is available on all podcast streaming platforms. Find them all at 

You may know Tanya Acker as one of three judges on CBS Television Distribution's Emmy-nominated HOT BENCH. But long before HOT BENCH, Tanya was delving into problems in the corridors of the public and private sectors with some of the country's top minds. Look a problem in the eye and figure out how to fix it - social media dislikes and cathartic rants can only get us so far. The Tanya Acker Show is about recognizing that we're bigger than our problems. It's about looking at truth; fighting better and smarter with each other; brainstorming ideas; knowing that bad things are fixable; and having more fun. 

Listen to The Tanya Acker Show - where we'll get real and not just mad, where we look for ways to fix what troubles us, and where we remember to have a little fun from time to time, too.

Don’t miss the Tanya Acker Show Podcast or YouTube where Sherril Rieux, MD President of Beverly Hills West (CA) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated and Vincent Anthony, MD Nephrologist  sit down with Tanya herself to discuss kidney disease and beating this silent killer.
Subscribe to The Tanya Acker Show
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Disparities in Kidney Care
Radio Talk Show: UnControlled Substance

e Lyons-Jones, MD 
Immediate Past President,
Association of Black Women Physicians

Anthony Vincent, MD Nephrologist
Sherril Rieux, MD Internal Medicine 

Feb.- Episode 23 Disparities in Kidney Care from Diagnosis to Dialysis to Transplant.

Cozzette Lyons-Jones, MD, MPH,FACP (

Past Events

313 North La Brea Ave, Inglewood 90302
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