Health and Human Services
The Links, Incorporated is to promote and facilitate programs that support the maintenance of good health and the elimination of chronic health disparities in communities of color through education, health advocacy, and optimal utilization of health resources. The adoption of the Childhood Obesity Resolution at the 35th National Assembly in 2006 signified The Links, Incorporated’s recognition of the need for targeted intervention strategies that address and produce sustainable results among African-American children battling obesity.
The chapter’s Umbrella Program, demonstrates a commitment to improving the health and wellness of our chapter members, our families and our communities. In an effort to implement transformational programs, we have nurtured partnerships with various organizations, including People Coordinated Services, the Boys & Girls Club of Venice, Walgrove Elementary School, and 54th Street Charter Academy, an LAUSD partnership. Our newest partnership, Grace Hopper STEM Academy Charter Middle School, located in the Inglewood USD, now house the chapter’s National Childhood Obesity initiative, “Growing Strong: The Total Me,” an enhanced, multi-faceted nutrition and physical education researched-based and CA standards-aligned education program encompasses all aspects of the learning environment of the total child—from the classroom, cafeteria, and gymnasium to the school hallways, the home and the community centers.
This varied approach helps reinforce important messages about nutrition and physical activity and increases the chance that children will eat well and keep moving throughout their lives. As a leading organization of African American women, we have championed the charge of “change agents” by making healthy lifestyle choices a priority. We believe strongly in this goal and the ‘Let’s Move’ campaign of our United States’ former First Lady, Michelle Obama. The chapter’s Health and Human Services facet is the lead facet in our quest to eliminate childhood obesity in a generation, one child at a time.